Tatvamasi from Lublin, comes back with a brand new premiere material. And that is after their very well received last year’s album Haldur Bildur. The new album – The Third Ear Music – is quite an offbit recording. It is a compilation of seven pieces – documentaries of some stage experiences – that was created and registered in 2018-2019 by Grzegorz Lesiak, the band leader and guitarist.
It all started with Vasco Trilla who may not even know it yet, but inspired band to pursue this kind of creative method and invited many outstanding musicians to take part. The input of every one of them was exceptional but what united them was being open to one another and a certain kind of curiosity towards other musicians on stage.
This was all very inspirational – Lesiak elaborates on the peletone of guests. The sessions were not only about the music, for the band leader the most important aspect was the mutual stimulation, where the guests were sort of a catalyst providing many fundamental changes.
This album, a true stylistic cocktail with a plenitude of components, was created as a result of this project. The group reaches for improvised rock traditions, leans on ethno music, and eagerly draws on jazz pursuits that frequently border with free. Let’s not overlook that the style of Tatvamasi was widely broadened by their guests’ input.
The concert promoting the upcoming album Yhe Third Ear Music will take place on December 19, 2020 at 8 p.m. The event will be broadcast from Kamienica Cudów [ The house of miracles ].
Projects implemented as part of partnership with the Center for Intercultural Creative Initiatives CROSSROADS and the support of the City of Lublin.
Learn more:
WWW: www.tatvamasi.pl
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tatvamasimusic
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tatvamasi.music
Shop link: https://sklep.audiocave.pl/katalog-audio-cave/311-tatvamasi-the-third-ear-music-5908298549186.html