Join us for the #pOrtal opening!
Let’s transcend a sense of separation and be the pioneers of unity!
The City of Lublin, in cooperation with the City of Vilnius and the Lithuanian Benedikto Gylio Foundation and the Center of Intercultural Creative Initiatives “Crossroads” invite You to participate in the opening event officially launching the international project called PORTAL, that will be held in Lublin on May 26, 2021, at 6.00 p.m.
The main component of the initiative is a concrete object resembling a virtual door, which will be installed at the Litewski Square, and will be present in the public space until August. Using cameras and a large round screen, the installation will transmit the image between Lublin and Vilnius through an internet connection.
PORTAL, as its name suggests, will be a ticket to travel in time, to the city of the future. Thanks to the use of new technologies, we will create a visual bridge and enable residents to experience a unique feeling, called the “overview effect”. An experience known so far only to astronauts who experience watching the Earth from outer space causes a radical change in self-awareness and gives a sense of community.
The project, which integrates and awakens the awareness of unity, will allow mutual observation, and establish contact in real-time. It will bring cities together, encourage us to meet new people and cultures, and will be a place for dialogue, which will bring us closer.
The main idea of the project is to create a communication platform for passers-by, but also institutions and organizations. PORTAL creates the opportunity to show Lublin’s projects in the Lithuanian capital, and interactive activities on both sides. We encourage cooperation and taking initiatives, as well as engaging in the implementation of activities aiming at connecting communities in Poland and Lithuania.
All information about the initiative and accompanying events will be posted on the Center’s website, the project website and the City of Lublin’s website
More information about opening event can be found on our Facebook.